CS2 CounterStikeSharp - Deathmatch

Plugin dodaje na nasz serwer tryb deathmatch. Pozwala na wybór broni po odrodzeniu, odradzanie w losowych miejscach na mapie, zawiera tryb FFA, ochronę po odrodzeniu, uzupełnianie amunicji lub zdrowia za zabójstwo.
Można też tworzyć tryby gry tylko na konkretną broń, hs only itp.
Kilka przykładowych trybów:
Więcej informacji na GitHub autora.


free_for_allIf the game will be FFA or Team. - true or false
custom_modesAllow the custom modes (multicfg)? - true or false
custom_modes_intervalWorks only if custom modes is enabled - minutes
random_selection_of_modesWill the modes be selected randomly? - true or false
map_start_custom_modeWhich custom mode will the map start with? - ID of mode from custom_modes.json
spawn_protection_timeHow long will the spawn protection be? - seconds
round_restart_timeHow long will it take for the round to restart when a new mode is selected - seconds
hide_round_secondsDisplay the round timer? - true or false
block_radio_messagesBlock radio messages? - true or false
remove_breakable_entitiesRemove breakable entities at the round start? - true or false
reffil_ammo_killRefill ammo when a player eliminates someone? - true or false
reffil_ammo_headshotRefill ammo when a player eliminates someone with headshot? - true or false
refill_health_killHow much health does a player regenerate when they eliminate someone? - number
refill_health_headshotHow much health does a player regenerate when they eliminate someone with headshot? - number

Komendy gracza:
css_gun <WEAPON_NAME> - Setup a weapon (alias /w; /weapons; /guns).
css_gun - Show the list of allowed weapons for the current mode (alias /w; /weapon; /guns).

Komendy administratora (@css/root):
css_dm_startmode <ID> - Start a custom mode
css_dm_editor - Enable/disabled editor mode
css_dm_addspawn_ct - Add a new CT spawn at your current position
css_dm_addspawn_t - Add a new T spawn at your current position
css_dm_removespawn - Remove a nearest spawn

Rozpakowany folder Deathmatch wklejamy do /csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/
Następnie zmieniamy mapę lub restartujemy serwer.

1. CounterStrikeSharp
2. Metamod:Source 2

1. Załącznik (v1.2)
2. GitHub


  • Deathmatch.zip
    307,2 KB · Wyświetleń: 0
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